Dream Gamers
Many of my close friends refuse to play any board game with me.  You see I love and grew up on board games – teach me any board game and I will probably be beating you after about the third game.
I remember teaching some tech stuff to twelve guys from Santander. We had a great time and they invited me to a poker evening. I did not play poker nor did I know their card game. I explained to them that I could not play because:-
- I did not know the poker game they played.
- I would win all their money by the end of the evening
- I would be accused of lying to them about having no knowledge of their game.
In spite of my insistence that they should not play me, they assured me that they would not give me a hard time if I won. End result  – I took all their money (it was ten pounds a head).  Of course I bought them all drinks with my hard earned gains.
Now how does this relate to dreams and buckets of rubble?
It probably doesn’t at all but I just wanted to write the story down as I have a thousand words to write. However back to buckets.
Achieve any dream with buckets of rubble
When you want to learn any new skill. When a situation seems too large or too daunting. When everyone else seems faster and better than you. When you feel inadequate. Take small steps. Understand that if you feel you are competing with others then you are playing the wrong game. The only person you should be competing with is yourself and trying to better yourself and your skillset by a little bit every day.
Here I am at present. Currently sitting amongst four rooms with rubble up to my knees.  There is only me and my friend. We need to empty all the rubble by the end of the day so that our builders can get on with more productive work.
It’s a big job. A massive job. It’s super dusty. I’m hyper-allergic to dust. My friend is suffering from an ingrowing toenail which his doctor has advised he needs to get an operation on. How on earth are we going to empty those rooms in time?

Achieve your dream bit by bit
The answer is little by little, bit by bit.
Now consider. We have several sizes of buckets to empty the rubble with.
- A massive dustbin size bucket
- A large paint pot bucket
- A small to medium sized paint pot bucket

I am a slim skinny guy – there is no way I can carry that massive dustbin filled with rubble. I can only carry two of the medium sized ones. But what if I could only carry the small bucket full of rubble?
Would I see any impact after taking the first small bucket of rubble out? No.
Would I see any impact after taking the first five small buckets of rubble out? No.
Would I see any impact after taking the first ten small buckets of rubble out? Probably not.
Life is like that in anything you do – whether you start working out or eating more healthily. You never see immediate results – sometimes it will be weeks, months or even years depending on your bucket size, your psyche and a whole bunch of other variables.
But guess what? If you keep at it little by little, a little becomes a lot and when those lots build up, you will see massive results.
Dream spoilers
People spend far too much time competing with others, trying to look good, feeling inadequate (which to be honest is just another ego trip), sitting around discussing about the pros and cons of using buckets – I could go on.
All of these elements simply spoil and prevent you from achieving your dream.   The bizarre aspect of this phenomenon is that to move forward in their life all they need to do is put their ego aside, stop the endless yattering, pick up any size bucket they are comfortable with and begin emptying the rooms. Bit by bit every single room would be emptied.
So the point of this story. It does not matter how big or how daunting a situation, dream or goal is. If you are serious about your dream, you can get there by taking the smallest miniscule of steps. Just don’t compete with others.

Focus on the goal (in this case it was emptying the rubble from the rooms). Don’t try to pick up massive dustbins full of rubbish if your physical and emotional psyche is not yet trained to handle the weight, balance and overcome the associated risks – you will only hurt yourself in some way whether it be physically, emotionally or financially.
Juice up your dream
Now here’s the juice.  By starting small you will build up those physical, emotional and financial muscles and over time you will become stronger and more adept at handling larger and larger situations.
When you start emptying rubble in houses with small buckets, over time your muscles will get stronger. Over time those muscles will be able to handle bigger and bigger buckets filled with rubble until one day you can easily carry a large dustbin full of rubble.
In the property circuit, I get asked by so many people questions such as:- “How do you get angel finance?” “How can I get a large 12-bed HMO (House with Multiple Occupants)?” “How do I get great property leads?” And many more. My answer for people with no experience and who are just beginning their property journey, dance journey, therapy journey, or anything new for that matter, is to always start small.
Buckets of rubble and obtaining angel finance
Let me show you how the buckets of rubble analogy works in asking for angel finance.  If you have never borrowed much money from friends, family or colleagues before then ask for amounts you are comfortable with asking for. Don’t start with asking people for £1 million (the massive dustbin bucket).

The only way you would be successful with asking for £1 million is if you
- have a rich family who like and trust you
- have handled large sums of money in the past in a responsible manner
- have learnt enough to put together spreadsheets that accurately show return on investment
Start with asking for £1,000 or £10,000 (small buckets). See what works and if you fail well its no big deal as you only asked for a small amount. Ask the people what you could do to help them feel secure in lending you this amount. By using this technique you will soon learn how to ask for larger and larger amounts of finance.
This same bucket technique applies to all other areas of property where you are inexperienced and in fact beyond property to any skill, goal or dream you have.
As in the buckets of rubble situation do a little each day and by the end of the week, by the end of the month, by the end of the year, you will have become more and more skilled and will have the ability to take on larger and larger projects.
Dream compounding
This technique is known as the compound effect and it applies to all areas of your life, whether it be finance, health, emotional, spiritual, mental, relationships, or any of your hobbies.
By reading a little every day, your mental agility bit by bit becomes stronger. By eating the correct food every day, bit by bit your health will improve. By helping one person every day, your relationships and understanding of relationships will improve.  But none of it will happen overnight.
You must be consistent. Consistency is so important that I’m repeating the word because it cannot be emphasised enough.  Whatever you choose to do you must be consistent in order to achieve your dream. Whether you choose to empty rubble every minute, every hour, every day or once a week. It does not matter.
You must keep at it regularly and one day, you will be able to achieve and do so much more in every area of your life than the time you first started your life journey.
Dream friends
One final point before I sign off. You are not alone. You don’t have to clear out the rubble on your own. If you have other people working with you – for example friends that can carry the mega dustbin size bucket of rubble, you will achieve your dreams so much faster.

The more of those like-minded people you have in your life the faster you will achieve your life dreams. When I began my personal dream quests, much of my dreams were achieved predominantly on my own. A few years ago, I took a decision to include other people on my journeys.
When you share your dreams with other like minded people, you will achieve your dreams at light speed. In one year, I almost doubled my financial net worth by including other like-minded individuals and working out how I could help them achieve their dreams.
Hubble bubble dreams and rubble
So now its time for me to sign off and also give you some homework.
If you wish, click here to listen to me talk about these concepts in a 5 minute vlog.
Remember the phrase below every time you take on something that appears large and scary.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Take those single steps and google and research as much as you can about the compound effect and you will soon be able to reach those dreams of yours.
For more in this area read our active review on how you can get the slight edge and the four stages your dreams need to become a reality
What a brilliant article – think you so much. I lost a deal I was looking forward to and felt a bit down but I will now keep going as I’ve learned I’m competing with myself.
Really great point Liesl, thank you for your comment.
Wise man. The reason I employed you. So pleased to follow your journey.
LOL Mr Elsey, it was great working with you. Thank you for the opportunity you gave me all those years ago.
Nicely said. Reminds me of the old saying, “inch by inch it’s a cinch; yard by yard, it is hard.”
Thank you Anne, I’d never heard that saying before – its very appropriate. Look forward to seeing your name in lights.
Wise words, Ben! I started my property journey on trying to do the big projects before cutting my teeth on smaller ones. It was daunting and way out of my league. Wasted lots of time and money just to learn to go back to the smaller stuff. Smart people learn from others’ experience!
Gosh thank you for your comments Ky Le. As you rightly point out, the awesome thing about this concept is that consistently doing lots of little things allows you to grow your mental and social muscles to one day tackle those larger projects.
I would not expect anything less from a genius! Great statements Ben. Love following your insights.
Arnold that’s so funny! We should have a mutual fan club as I always think you are the genius.