+ Jess Chai reveals her sneaky secret to being able to take naps as properties basically buy themselves!
Buying property can be overwhelming and tiring for newbies like me. In the beginning, my body begged me to take frequent naps. Unfortunately, the following would happen:
My phone and email would blow up every 10 minutes.
I’d feel like I was in survival mode. It was one thing after another. Solicitors asking about things I have never heard of. The estate agents pressuring me to complete (and I can’t do anything until the mortgage broker hears back from the lender). The lender is waiting to hear back from their underwriters. The underwriters need more documents as they find it a bit suspicious that I lived in three different address in three years (even though you have told them you were at university and that’s normal blah blah blah). It’s ridiculous.
Sometimes I’d become so tired, I’d want to throw my phone and laptop into the ocean and crawl into my warm, Internet-free bed.
But then it hit me.
How to automate the buying process
I finally found a method that would allow me to automate the majority of the buying process. No more phone calls, no more running around to power team members. Here’s how my thought process went:
“If all the players in the game went directly to each other for the small details instead of me, that would be a huge weight off my mind. The estate agent can redirect the pressuring applying to the mortgage broker (which saves me doing it). The builders can ask the estate agent for access and I don’t need to get involved. Yay!”
This may be obvious to everyone else, but I’m a bit slower than you guys. I have started emailing out a contact list spread12sheet (see Template House purchase contact list and edit how you please) every time an offer gets accepted. It has everyone’s contact details on.
In the email to everyone I:
- Explain the purpose of the spreadsheet: “To ensure smooth communication I have attached a spreadsheet with everyone’s contact details in. It may be easier to communicate between one another for updates and cc’ me in.”
- State my preferred exchange/completion date (which I have agreed discussed with the estate agent).

Sometimes people will contact me for updates and I will redirect them to the spreadsheet. After the second time of asking and being redirected to the spreadsheet, they get the message.
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